Thursday, August 31, 2017

A More Urban Life.

When speaking of larger cities I think of the high cost of living in these cities; however, if more people began living in cities the prices on houses would drop per demand. The way you could capitalize on this opportunity in my opinion would be when prices dropped find houses that are in decent shape but below what their potential price could be, flip them and sell them for or above market value. I also think on the subject of urban life where people are constantly walking and commuting to their jobs or just out in their normal lives, what if a city or multiple cities came to rely on just walking or riding bicycles. I visited Tennessee about a year ago an discovered they had places where you could rent bicycles, I honestly thought that was genius if you did not own your own. Having rental bikes that could be turned in to a local bike renting station that is close to your home or work is helpful. Adding more stores for athletic footwear for the more active consumers and having a store for comfortable but stylish footwear for business attires. Opening up a type of Dr. Scholl''s store with doctors on demand to help busy consumers have a smoother daily commute and give advice on what the customer could do to help relax when they return home to help make the next day easier on their feet.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

My First Blog

I've never written a blog before, I can guess that most of us in this haven't before. This is going to most likely be an interesting and stressful thing for me to do because I am a procrastinator and I trust that I'll mostly do these on Sundays or close to the last day of the week. I'm actually just sitting in my best friends room just typing this on my phone while I wait for her to get off from work, this is not going to turn into a diary. Along with school, my work severely stresses me out, but I do make sure I spend time with my friends even if I have school work to finish. Tonight has been so far the only night I'm doing anything late. I am in college for honestly I don't know what reason anymore, I'm no longer working toward my major. I'm really just trying to figure everything out. There is another major that I'm wanting to change my current major from, but I'm just trying to stay sane right now. Honestly, this is all I have to blog about right now, I hope it's a decent read for my first blog. Most of my others will probably have things to do with what I'm passionate about and I have put a lot of research into learning about. Thank you.